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31-03-2015 17:29 WYCIECZKI

SCILLA to niewielka miejscowość wciśnięta na stromą skałę bywa przez wielu nazywana "małą Wenecją".




What is Italy famous for besides beautiful weather and pizza of course? The wonderful places, like the province of Reggio Calabria- Scilla where we went on the third day of our trip. It is composed from two parts: Ruffo Castle on the hill which overlooks beautiful beach with the clearest water iridescent with many shades of blue. The castle was a fortress built by Dukes of Calabria. In fact it suffered five greatly Calabria earthquakes in 1783 which caused huge tsunami. The city is also the traditional site of Scylla monster from Greek mythology, which was a threat for sailors passing the channel. To the beach descends steep lane among the small pretty houses and then you can see a breathtaking view.


The best part is going barefoot through the beach, touching the soft, warm sand and feeling so relaxed, thinking how cold is there in Poland. I can say that it made me calmer and I could enjoy the climate and swimming in the sea much better. The last point of the day was a boat trip along the hills. We could see other parts of the area and took amazing photos while hearing interesting facts about Scilla from local sailors. We also tried our best at fishing but it end up that our abilities were not so good. The whole day was great especially with this bunch of friends, it was just an amazing time.

I recommend this exchange for everyone!

Grudzień, 2015

Class exchange – Ovada and Bielsko-Biała

On Saturday we woke up at 10 o’clock. We took a shower and ate breakfast. We went for a walk in Casaleggio, a tinyl village next to Ovada that we stayed in. Then we ate lunch at Marta’s house.

In the afternoon we set out to Comogli, a little town near the seaside. We were amazed by the view of mountains and narrow streets full of little restaurants, pizzerias and colorful houses that are very typical of Italy.

On Monday we all met in Ovada in the main square. We headed for to Turin by bus, The journey lasted about 2 hours. We visited a lot of interesting and beautiful places like Savoia, the Royal Palace, and  the ancient Roman theatre etc. Also we had an opportunity to see famous Mole Antonelliana. Then we split into smaller groups and  had lunch in local restaurants.

After the meal we visited Royal Gardens. We returned to Ovada at 7 p.m.

Reported by Kinga Bogucka and Justyna Bieniek (2e)

Marzec, 2015

Class exchange – Ovada and Bielsko-Biała
Italy and Poland


On the first day of our stay in Italy everyone met at school in Ovada. We were all very excited to get to know each other. Everyone had to introduce themselves. After a few hours spent on laughing, dancing and singing we went to the mayor of Ovada. There we were welcomed and received some gifts. After this visit we went to do sightseeing in Ovada, its monuments and churches. At about 4 p.m. we had icecream and after that returned to our hosts’ homes. It was a great day and the best was yet to come. During these 10 days in Italy we saw a few famous Italian cities. One of them was Milan.

On the 24th of October at 8 o’clock we and our Italian group set off on the trip to the most beautiful city in northern Italy-Milan. The first point of the trip was Basilica di Sant’ Ambrogio-one of the oldest churches in Milan. Then we walked to Piazza Mercanti- the central city square of Milan, Italy. It is located between Piazza del Duomo, which marks the centre of the modern city of Milan. Afterwards, our italian friends showed us Teatro alla Scala- the most known opera house in Milan, in Italy and in the whole world. It came into existence in the half of 80th century and Mario Botta rebuilt it again, so we can admire it now. The last point of the trip was a lovely and exclusive Wiktor Emanuel shopping mall, which was called in honour of Vittorio Emanuele II, the first king of  the united Italy. The hugde and positive eye opener was Duomo St. Maria Nascente di Milano.  The Gothic marble cathedral- one of the most popular landmark in Italy and Europe. It’s one of the biggest churches in the world. After long but valuable viewing we had free time. Everyone could go into the cathedral or visit Milan by themselves. Obviously no one forgot about the shopping in the city of fashion. After a long and exhausting day we came back to Ovada.

Reported By Magdalena Michalska